25 Apr

it's traditional on Anzac Day to make Anzac biscuits 

Henry was in the kitchen, he needed to check if he had all of the ingredients 

He checked in the pantry, Yes Henry did have what he needed to make the best Anzac biscuits.

He set to work, Henry  weighed the flour, oatmeal and coconut, he added a tiny bit of bicarb, next he melted the butter, brown sugar and the golden syrup, 

Everything was going well, he mixed them all together.

The oven was hot, onto the tray they went blob blob and into the hot  oven, Henry set a timer for 15 minutes.

Today was a  good day to make biscuits, a bit of a change from always making sticky buns, Henry enjoyed a nice cup of tea, while he waited. Bing the timer had finished, 

Did he burn the biscuits?, no he did not, they were delicious!

Henry thinks so anyway!

Will there be any left? We hope so! 


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