06 Sep

Hannah Ada Ellt  Rodger passed away 10th august 1926

Henry buried his head into his hands. He let out a mournful sob, his beautiful Hannah was gone from his life. She looked peaceful with her dark hair lying across her pale face. Her eyes were closed, and she looked more beautiful than ever. No more pain, never to be hurt again Henry lifted his head, eyes red, he looked at the bread that lay on the table ‘It's over,’ he exclaimed. "I cannot do it anymore. ‘Do with it what you wish’! With that, he threw down his apron and hat and walked out the door. Henry had run the bakery for 23 years with Hannah by his side. Those days were over, Henry needed time to think, not knowing what to do, except that his day as a baker were over.  After a year had passed... Henry found himself on a ship, a magnificent ship with beautifully crafted timber panels.   Scotland wasn’t far away, and visiting what was left of his extended family was important to Henry, his brother Frederick had passed away around the same time as his beloved Hannah, and Henry was happy to be going home. One morning on deck whilst enjoying his pipe, he saw a woman whose blue bonnet had just blown toward him, Henry scooped up the runaway, he stood up, his blue eyes locked into her deep emerald eyes, this lady was not as beautiful as Hannah but striking. Henry held out his hand and handed back the bonnet. ‘My name is Henry. What is your name?’  the lady replied confidently, ‘My name is Lizzie!’

 That morning Henry's heart melted a little.

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